The Sporting Chameleon

an absolute cheesecake of a sports blog

Posts Tagged ‘Phil Brown

Job title costs Tigers their honeymoon period

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IAIN DOWIE began his tenure as Hull City manager today, watching his new side lose 3-2 at Portsmouth.

Except he did not begin his tenure as manager on Saturday.

He began his tenure as football management consultant. Read the rest of this entry »

Phil Brown – literally

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HULL CITY have been quiet so far in the summer transfer market.

This can only be attributed to one factor – Phil Brown is on holiday and I am all in favour of that.

The thing I am most looking forward about the start of the Premier League season is seeing exactly what colour Brown will be after his jollies.

I think I can guess the type of holiday the Hull manager goes on. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Andrew Brook

June 16, 2009 at 6:28 pm